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Michael Berlau

Overland Park, Kansas, College Planning Services

Address: Overland Park, KS, US

Michael Berlau is an Overland Park, Kansas, entrepreneur who engages with students and their families in providing comprehensive planning services for admission to competitive universities. A top-ranked vendor with the College Planning Network, Michael Berlau facilitates public workshops that go through the college aid process and cover FAFSA and expected family contribution (EFC) strategies.

An emphasis is on helping students achieve the largest possible award package from colleges of their choice. Mr. Berlau also engages with students in exploring potential colleges and determining which are the best fit. He is experienced in making clients look as good as possible from the perspective of admissions decision makers. A distinct value-added offering is a review of the appeals process when students may have been under-awarded financial aid.

Mr. Berlau's firm also provides a host of positioning tools that extend to personalized essay coaching and proprietary preparation for the ACT and SAT exams. This integrated set of services gives families a significantly higher chance of both affording education and ensuring that their children are positioned for life success.


College Funding and Planning

College Solutions Specialist

May 1, 2008 - Present


University Of Missouri


September 1963 - May 1967