Nicole Schlueter


Welcome to MeowEssay - a place where you can always get free essay writing assistance.

When you speak in any language, be it your native language, English or any foreign language, those that listen to you easily understand the difference between a statement and a question from your intonation. When you raise your voice at the end of a sentence, the sentence is usually a question. Plus, you use facial expressions, gestures and body language to show your feelings about what you are saying.

However, when we present your ideas in writing, these elements of communication are not available to us. Still, we have to help our audience to understand our ideas. Punctuation helps us to express our ideas clearly in essay writing.

MeowEssay provides you with an essay writing guide that will help you revise your knowledge of punctuation. This site also lists hundreds of examples on literature works and history research papers & reports on a great number of topics. You are welcome to use our research to help you start or finish your own essay writing examples