Aditya Babbar

Entrepreneur & Product Leader
  • Two-time startup founder with extensive experience in building & managing customer-centric SaaS products, including launching AI-powered features using Azure OpenAI GPT-4.
  • Successfully bootstrapped Resumonk, a micro SaaS resume builder to 1.7M users, and paying customers across 140+ countries, maintaining an NPS over 50 since 2018.
  • Expertise in product management, strategic planning and guiding products from concept to launch, well-suited for spearheading strategic initiatives and special projects.
  • Experience in venture capital, specifically in research and selection for Calm Company Fund's portfolio, supporting effective decision-making and process improvements.
  • Significant experience in rural community development and environmental initiatives, having contributed to various social initiatives in a Himalayan village from 2017 to 2022.
  • Expert learner, problem solver and big picture thinker with the ability to apply these skills across various fields and roles.


Feb 2013 - Present



  • Co-founded Resumonk, a platform that enables users to create professional resumes in minutes, successfully attracting over 1.7M users and acquiring paying customers from 140+ countries.
  • I manage all non-technical aspects of the business, including product definition, testing, user acquisition, retention, and customer support, ensuring smooth operation and growth.
  • Implemented AI-powered features into the product using the OpenAI GPT-4 model, enhancing the platform's capabilities and providing a more efficient user experience.
Jan 2022 - Mar 2023

Calm Company Fund

Principal, Investment Team (Part Time)

Apr 2010 - Jul 2015



  • Identified a need for a SaaS product to assist K-12 schools in India with compliance to CBSE CCE guidelines for result generation, leading to the creation of eduOrbit.
  • Built this venture as a solopreneur, gaining valuable experience and insights that helped build my next startup, Resumonk.
Oct 2007 - Mar 2010

Impetus Infotech (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Technical Architect

  • Led a team to create an open source Ruby Application Server, and a HTTP sniffer. 
  • Part of the internal R & D group that developed MVPs for new ideas, and also provided technical inputs to help the sales team close multi-million dollar deals for custom projects.
Dec 2005 - Oct 2007


Senior Software Engineer

  • Part of the core technical team that developed Intel's Server Management Software in partnership with Microsoft. Key technologies used in the product were C, C++, WMI, Windows SDK, IPMI and SNMP.
  • Wrote the server health calculation module (including the proprietary algorithm) & the associated alerting.
Aug 2002 - Nov 2005

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)

Senior Software Engineer

Part of the team that rewrote company's leading insurance product from scratch. It was rewrite from VC++ 6.0 to C#.


1998 - 2002

Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi, India

Bachelor of Engineering (Instrumentation & Control)


Software as a Service (SaaS), Product Management, Program Management, Project Implementation, Business Strategy, Business Growth, Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models (LLMs), Digital Marketing, Programming, Venture Capital.


B2R Rural BPO - B2R, a for-profit social enterprise, operates rural BPO centers in Uttarakhand, India and Mexico, employing over 550 rural youth, including a significant number of young women, to provide a range of business services like data annotation, publishing, customer support, and more. Assisted them in leveraging technology & automation in their processes to help execute them more efficiently.

Udhyam - Rural Entrepreneurship Program - Helped in shortlisting the rural entrepreneurs who receive the business loans through this program.

Green Hills - Helped in piloting an environment friendly solid waste management process in the rural areas of the foothills of the Kumaon Himalaya.

Foundation for Contemplation of Nature - I built their WordPress based website & now help maintain it.