Preston Tighe

Senior Software Engineer
Phone: 2149379538
Websites: LinkedIn:

Skilled at NodeJS, ReactJS, GraphQL, Javascript, Angular, Docker, and several AWS services

Open to frontend, backend, and full stack web software engineer roles


Sickapps LLC

Senior Software Engineer

Jan 2014 - Current

Marriott: Built GraphQL backend for a new hotel front desk system

Stack: NodeJS, NestJS, vite, NX, jest

USAPalm: Fully developed the eCommerce platform for a clothing brand USAPalm

Stack: ReactJS, NodeJS, AWS Lambda/DynamoDB, Webpack, Serverless, Shopify

Malauzai: Built NodeJS APIs for a platform for web and mobile banking. Malauzai
Stack: NodeJS, Typescript, Swagger, Express, AWS, Azure

Rentpath: Built GraphQL APIs for ApartmentGuide and Rent
Stack: GraphQL, ReactJS, NodeJS, Webpack, Typescript, Redux, Nightwatch

project202: Built front end web components for Vindicia and Southwest
Stack: ReactJS, Angular, AngularJS, NodeJS, AWS, Webpack, Typescript, Ngrx

Bottle Rocket: Built front end web components for Visible
Stack: ReactJS, NodeJS, AWS, Webpack, Typescript, Redux

iOLAP: Built front & back end components from the ground up using very hot tech stacks.
Stack: ReactJS, NodeJS, GraphQL, AWS Lambda, Webpack, Polymer, Electron, Redux, Apollo, Prisma

Verizon Cloud Platform: Built front end components for multiple services using React & Webpack. Built out a Node backend API. 

Stack: ReactJS, NodeJS, Webpack, Docker, Mobx, CircleCI, Jest, Enzyme


Senior Software Engineer

Nov 2020 - Aug 2023

Built components for multiple Facebook products.
Stack: ReactJS, GraphQL, Hack/PHP, Typescript/Flow, Redux, Relay

Virtuals IO


Jan 2013 - Aug 2015

An escrow like online marketplace for virtual goods and services. Has a combined 1,000+ development hours. Processed $2 million dollars.

Stack: EmberJS, Docker, PHP, Python, NodeJS, Grunt, AWS, MySQL. More in skills sections.


Southern Methodist University

Bachelor of Science (BS), Computer Science


Languages: NodeJS, Javascript, GraphQL, HTML, CSS, MySQL, SQL, Hack

Amazon Web Services (AWS): Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Cloud Formation, EC2, S3, RDS, VPC, CloudFront, ElastiCache, Beanstalk, ECS, Route 53, CloudWatch, SNS, CloudWatch

Programs: Webstorm, PyCharm, PhpStorm, VSCode

Project Management: Teams, CircleCI, Trello, Git, Kanboard, Github, Agile/Scrum, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, Asana, Zendesk, CI/CD, SDLC, Teamwork, Workchat

Libraries/Frameworks: ReactJS, NestJS, EmberJS, Angular, Polymer, Docker, Webpack, Auth0, Jest, Enzyme, jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, Bootstrap, Highcharts.js, Handlebars, Emblem, RabbitMQ, ES6, Babel, Less, GruntJS, Bower, NPM, Graphcool, Prisma, Apollo, Netlify, Relay, Redux

APIs: Docker Cloud, Google, MailChimp, Twilio, Wistia, SiftScience, Dwolla, Paypal, Paysafecard, Algolia, Coinbase, IronMQ, Balanced, Stripe, New Relic

Other: Linux, OOP, Big Data, programmer, developer, UI/UX

Past experiences and skills not related to interests omitted.

Last updated: 4/22/2024